Easy Air ducts

Air ducts for air diffusion

Fully customisable side air diffusion ducts, which can be combined with A/C units from the Autoclima and non-Autoclima ranges.


La gamma RT/RTH

The roof-mounted units are monoblocks specifically developed to condition minibuses and midibuses up to a maximum of 40 seats. Versatile, compact, economical, and attractively designed, they use side or central air diffuser or a central air duct for air distribution, depending on the model. Available in “only cold” (RT) versione or “cooling and heating” (RTH), with or without external air intake.

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Autoclima: Applicazioni

Climatizzatori per minibus e midibus

Una gamma differenziata per la climatizzazione dei veicoli trasporto persone, turistico, scuolabus o urbani di qualsiasi dimensione, alimentati a gasolio o elettricamente.